Bredesen 100 Percent Wrong on Illegal Immigrant Army, Blackburn Says

Democratic Senate candidate Phil Bredesen on Wednesday dismissed the illegal alien army approaching America’s southern border.

When asked about the army Bredesen laughed, saying, “A few thousand very poor people coming to our border is not a threat to our, is not a threat to our security.”

Bredesen’s opponent, U.S. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) released a campaign video Friday calling him out. The video is available here.

According to Blackburn, Bredesen also:

Blackburn’s campaign said, “Phil Bredesen is dangerously wrong on immigration and out of touch with Tennesseans. Marsha Blackburn is 100% supportive of securing our border. As our Senator, she will work with President Trump to build the wall and stop the caravan.”

The Washington Examiner confirmed the migrant army is composed of criminals from various nations:

The Department of Homeland Security on Thursday defended claims by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that violent criminals are a component of the Honduran caravan making its way through Mexico toward the U.S., after reporters at the White House questioned how they know that.

@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories,’ DHS spokesman Tyler Houlton wrote in a series of tweets Tuesday evening.

‘Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.,’ he said.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.






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  1. […] campaign said, “Phil Bredesen is dangerously wrong on immigration and out of touch with Tennesseans. Marsha […]
